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Free Same day local delivery

Same Day Local Delivery
KB Rugs is now offering same-day delivery. Same-day delivery orders are delivered same day if ordered by 1:00pm. Orders after 1:00pm will be delivered the following day. We are currently only providing this service to customers within the 40 km radius. The minimum value order is $200.



A delivery fee for all local orders is FREE. 
There are currently two ways you can place an order with us:
Order Online: Add the desired rug to the cart, enter your postal code (If you qualify, you will be given the same-day delivery option) select the same-day delivery option and we will deliver the rug to you the same day.
Over the Phone: (Please call at 905-582-6053) and provide the warehouse employee with SKU number of the area rug you would like to order (All of our rugs are posted online on our website. Payments can be made both over the phone or upon delivery.